Highly Engaging Cultural Immersion & Education Recourse for Teachers, Classrooms & Parents
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Cultural Immersion & Education Recourse
Yarn Bark is a First Nations Led Social Enterprise that has delivered Cultural Immersion & Education experiences to Primary and Secondary schools for 7+ Years. This first of a kind and easily accessible education recourse has been developed specifically to support educators to confidently deliver meaningful and engaging First Nations Education content to Young People throughout Australia.
The development of this recourse is a result of receiving repetitive feedback from countless educators who have expressed the difficulty associated with identifying meaningful and accurate information sources to inform the design of classroom content and a lack of confidence and awareness to what is culturally appropriate / within their scope to be teaching.
This resource provides well-thought and culturally immersed content for students to deepen their awareness and connection to First Nations Culture, Knowledge, Practices and Ways of Being and supports them to understand how this relates to them in a modern world.
For educators, this is much more than just another recourse to pick up and deliver blindly with limited support. This is an evolving resource that is backed by a safe, caring and collaborative learning environment that inspires, mentors and builds their capacity and confidence to creatively embed First Nations history, peoples and cultures effectively in their classrooms.

Thoughtful Learning Format
A learning format that is easy to follow, understandable and engaging. With a capacity building focus for both educators and students.

Easily Accessible & Evolving Content
Accessible anytime via a login portal, with evolving content added overtime to reflect the student learning needs and curriculum requirements expressed by educators.

First Nations Way
Content, activities and learning materials that are designed and delivered based on First Nations Methodologies and Ways of Being / Doing.

Supportive Learning Environment
Upon registration educators will become a part of a safe and caring community that involves direct access to Yarn Bark facilitators and optional participation in regular life zoom conferences to deepen learning experience.
Who is this for?
Recourse Platform
Learning Format
First Nations knowledge shared in this recourse
How to enrol
Resource Creator, Mentor and Facilitator
Will Austin is a proud Peek Woorroong Keerraay Woorroong First Nations Man from Victoria's Western Districts. Will is a grassroots leader committed to reviving First Nations knowledge, practices and ways of being to be embraced and acknowledged by a modern society.
Central to Wills character is love, empathy and authenticity. He is a natural facilitator and connector of all people no matter what walks of life they are from.
Professionally, Will is currently employed as a Senior Manager at YLab Global, a Youth Co-Design and Consultancy Agency, is the CEO of Yarn Bark and the Founder of Mental Health Promotion Charity, Turn to Me and has a diversity of experience across non-for-profit, education, government and community settings.

Are you truly ready to Acknowledge First Nations Country; Meaningfully?
Enrol now in our completely online and self paced learning experience accessible via an app or log in portal to deepen your awareness and understanding of what it truly means, looks, sounds and feels like to Acknowledge First Nations Country, People and History.
Enrol Now